Treasure hunting at Les Petits Riens

Treasure hunting at Les Petits Riens

Thrifters, rejoice! Les Petits Riens is the Belgian equivalent of Goodwill and while its huge storehouse on Rue Américaine does provide quite the challenge, you’d be surprised by the amazing treasures hiding underneath the dust. Spread out over different floors: cupboards, dining tables, vintage Hermès scarves, pretty wild tea dresses and long-lost comic books galore! I especially love the little corner in the book section gathering letters, postcards, private correspondences and other random greetings from the past. I found a bunch of 1920s boat menus there, as well as a fifties booklet with recipes and tips to keep your kid nice and chubby -true story. In short, a paradise for would-be detectives and dreamers alike. 

Rue Américaine 105, Uccle.






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